Contents. Africa.: 0.06%.: 0.02%.: 0.05%.: 0.08%.: 0.08%.: 0.: 0.01%.: 0.05%.: 0.15%.: 0.03% for commercial or professional drivers, 0.05% for all other drivers.: 0.08.: No limit.: 0.08%.: 0.08%.: 0.15%.: No limit.: 0.: 0.08%.: 0.05%.: 0.00%.: 0.05%.: No limit.: 0.05%.: 0.08%.: 0.05% and 0.02% for professional drivers (trucks over 3.5 tonnes, and vehicles carrying passengers for reward).: No limit.: 0.08%.: 0 for professional or commercial drivers, 0.08% for all other drivers.: 0.08% Americas North America Canada. A 1937 poster warns US drivers about the dangers of mixing alcohol and driving.: Depends on state, 0.08% or 0.05% In the United States, the blood alcohol level at which all states make it unlawful to operate a motor vehicle is 0.08, although it is possible to be convicted of impaired driving at a lower blood alcohol level. Some states define two impaired driving offenses. The first is the traditional offense, variously called driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI), driving while intoxicated/impaired (DWI), operating under the influence (OUI), or operating while intoxicated/impaired (OWI). The second and more recent is the so-called offense of driving with a (BAC) of 0.08% (previously 0.10%) or higher. The first offense requires proof of intoxication, although evidence of BAC is admissible as rebuttably of that intoxication; the second requires only proof of BAC at the time of being in physical control of a motor vehicle.
An accused may potentially be convicted of both offenses as a result of a single incident, but may only be punished for one. The differences between state penalties still varies. Wisconsin, for instance, is the only state that continues to treat first offense drunk driving arrests as. Some states also include a lesser charge of driving with a BAC of 0.05%; other states limit this offense to drivers under the age of 21. All states and DC also now have laws: the license of anyone under 21 driving with any detectable alcohol in their bloodstream (BAC limits of 0.01% or 0.02% apply in some states, such as Florida.) will be suspended. In 2009, Puerto Rico joined these states, setting a limit of 0.02 for drivers under 21, despite maintaining a legal drinking age of 18.
The blood alcohol limit for commercial drivers is 0.04%. Pilots of aircraft may not fly within eight hours of consuming alcohol, while under the impairing influence of alcohol or any other drug, or while showing a blood alcohol concentration equal to or greater than 0.04 grams per decilitre of blood. Utah became the first U.S. State to lower the legal limit to.05% BAC by volume on March 24, 2017. The law takes effect on December 30, 2018. The bill’s passage, HB155, was controversial in the state.
A poll published on July 29, 2017 found 50 percent of Utahns supported the new law, but 47 percent opposed it. In most states, the timing of the chemical test for suspected drunk driving is important because the law mandates a result within a given time period after the driving stopped, usually two hours. The aftermath of a drunk driving car crash is simulated as part of an anti-drunk driving campaign for California high school students. Caribbean.: 0.06%.: 0 for young or inexperienced drivers and professional or commercial drivers, 0.05% for all other drivers.: 0.03%.: The law states that the legal alcohol limit is 35 μg/100 ml alcohol in breath or a blood alcohol level of 80 mg/100 ml alcohol in blood.: 35 μg/100 mL BrAC, 80 mg/ml BAC Central America.: 0.08%.: 0.02% for public transport, commercial drivers and new drivers, or 0.05% for all others results in a fine of CRC 280,000 (US$489.61 as of 27 July 2017). A BAC in excess of 0.05% for public transport, commercial drivers and new drivers or 0.075% for all others additionally results in a 1 to 3 year prison sentence, vehicle impoundment and 2 year licence suspension.: 0.05%.: 0.08%.: 0.07%.: 0.05%.: 0.08% South America.: 0% for public transport and commercial vehicles, 0.02% for motorcycles, and 0.05% for all others.: 0.05% for professional drivers only.: Since 2008 Brazil practices a. If a driver is found to be driving with any BAC (up to.06%), the driver is to have their license suspended for 12 months, pay a fine of BRL 2,934.70 (doubled if recurrence) and will have the car seized.